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Alcohol Rehab Abroad – Rehabilitation Centre in Portugal

Our therapeutic Alcohol Rehab Abroad Program focuses on the needs of each individual as a whole. Our approach in addictive rehabilitation is cognitive-behavioural, with a biopsychosocial focus.

Through this method, in our alcohol and drug rehabilitation centre in Portugal we seek to make the person self-aware of his/her problem. For international inpatients, the program is provided in English.

Dianova is one of the oldest drug and alcohol rehab centres in Europe, helping people recovering from alcohol and drug abuse for more than 35 years.


Alcohol abuse treatment

Alcoholism is a chronic disease that affects hundreds of thousands of people all over the world. It can be influenced either by genetic factors, environmental, or both. The condition itself is not curable, but it can be treated and managed through a successful alcohol rehabilitation program. And although the patient’s desire to cut down any substance abuse can exist; it is increasingly difficult or impossible to achieve on your own.

The symptoms may include:

    1. Increased tolerance to large amounts of drinking.
    2. Drinking over long periods.
    3. Preferring drinking to social or family activities.
    4. Neglecting your professional or family’s responsibilities.
    5. Becoming anxious about the availability of drinks.
    6. Not being able to cut down or reduce consumption even when you want to.
    7. Experience withdrawal symptoms when you don´t drink, such as tremors, sweating, seizures, insomnia, high pulse rate or even hallucinations.

At Dianova Alcohol Rehab Abroad program, you can count on addiction professionals who ensure each patient the highest level of care. Our team´s expertise ranges from General Medicine, Psychiatry, Psychology, Social Work, Social Education, and others.


Click here to Apply for Admission Online

For additional information, please contact us: +351 911 510 098 or admissions@dianova.pt

Our Alcohol Addiction Treatment Program


Throughout the course of our alcohol rehab abroad treatment, the goals are that he/she:
       > Recognises the problems and accepts the need for help.
       > Learns new processes for fighting addiction.
       > Regains his/her self-esteem.
       > Regains a sense of responsibility.
       > Improves his/her self-control, enhancing his/her own resources and capabilities to cope with the addiction problem.


In a residential setting, the therapeutic alliance is a very important part of the alcohol addiction rehab. With this in mind, we combine three key aspects: interpersonal relationships, the inpatients’ resocialization processes with therapeutic techniques and several educational interventions. Family and friend’s support is also very important, before, during and after the addiction treatment.


In essence, what’s the goal of the addictive rehabilitation abroad program? It is to promote a comprehensive and abstinence-oriented recovery, in a safe and tranquil environment.

You can find the best treatment options with personalised, intensive, and flexible care in our facilities in Portugal, just a 40 minutes-drive from Lisbon’s International Airport. The calm and inspiring surroundings will help healing in the long term.

Did you know that alcohol abuse has consequences on physical and mental health?

Coupled with different areas of personal functioning – family, social, labour and legal?

 How does our Alcohol Rehab Abroad Program Work?

Is alcoholism a problem that you want and need to overcome? Focus on an alcohol rehab and recovery oriented to abstinence, far away from your usual problems and harmful environment. Dianova is a foreign alcohol rehab centre with several treatment options that can help you cope with your problems.

At our alcohol rehab abroad facilities in Portugal, substance addiction treatment options are intensive and personalized. It will help you reach your own needs and expectations, well-being, and self-fulfilment.

Our evidence-based alcohol and drugs treatment includes different services. Individualized psychotherapy, psychiatric care, group therapy, occupational workshops, as well as cultural activities, sports, and leisure management.

Our Alcohol Treatment Outcomes


Notably, in 2020, our rehab clinic achieved a 100% 3 months retention rate, a predictor of success.


To enumerate, this is due to 2 factors. An increase on the efficiency and the adequacy of the Quality Management System. The 97,9% on Client Satisfaction and 93,8% on Service Recommendation Quality Indicators rates are the proof that our rehab program works.


Let us show you how, in particular.

> First, the improvement of resources management, commitment, and motivation of the Team.

> Second, by having their needs and expectations fulfilled, clients reflected a positive perception.

> Third, by reinforcing the increase of services’ credibility by the Families.

>  Finally, increasing the trust and reputation among Public Entities.


From our knowledge, the longer the duration of the alcohol rehab abroad treatment, better are the results.

Apply for admission or contact Dianova´s Drug Rehabilitation Centre.

For additional information, please contact us: +351 911 510 098 or admissions@dianova.pt

Critical Success Factors of Alcohol Rehabilitation


During the alcohol treatment, the therapeutic Team works the protective factors. As a result, this decreases the risk of relapse.

For this reason, the protective factors can support beneficial outcomes on the addiction treatment.


Structure and routine

The involvement of patients with activities in the alcohol rehab centre. As can be seen, these will teach positive behaviours and social interactions.

     > In particular, they know what to expect each day, have things to look forward to, and keep busy.


Goal setting

Inpatients are accountable for their performance on attitudes and behaviours. In the long run, the therapeutic team helps them to set goals.

      > Besides, they recognize the steps necessary to achieve them during the alcohol addiction treatment.


Build positive relationships

Create a trusting environment with open lines of communication. This gives, in general, inpatients somewhere to turn to discuss questions, concerns, and challenges.

      > At the same time, builds positive relationships with parents, coaches, and other peers.
 They will feel supported and encouraged to succeed at the alcohol rehabilitation. These people can influence them to stay active and, thus, resist future alcohol use.


Therapeutic alliance

Specifically, this means an agreement between the inpatient and therapist on the goals of the alcohol rehab abroad treatment. Like the tasks to be undertaken and an emotional bond between both.

     > Above all, feeling the things he/she does in therapy will make changes that he/she wants.


Family involvement

To understand better the alcohol problem and its causes, relatives are key stakeholders in therapy.

      > Their involvement can help to reduce opportunities and relapse risk in the post-treatment.

Photos Dianova Alcohol Rehabilitation Centre

Main drivers of our Alcohol Rehab Abroad Treatment


Dianova Rehab Centre focus on building mental health and hope for individuals and their families.

Our alcohol addiction treatment program at the Therapeutic Community, focus on:

      > Abstinence in a safe environment. Restoring the physical and psychological balance as well as the mental health. It begins with the abstinence of alcohol in a relaxing, safe environment.

      > Behavioural analysis. Based on the assumption that each behaviour has specific consequences. And has underlying cognitive and social expectations.

      > Pedagogy of daily life. Engaging in occupational activities, daily tasks, and healthy management of leisure. We seek to promote personal structure and organization. Together with discovering other sort of activities that boost personal motivation and satisfaction.

      > Psychological support. Engaging on psychotherapeutic groups and individual psychotherapy. The goal is to promote cognitive, emotional, and relational development. And, especially, relapse prevention strategies.

Alcoholism and Alcohol Use Disorder


Alcoholism is a physical and mental addiction. Thus, the excessive use of alcohol requires an alcohol addiction treatment.

How to know if someone needs an alcohol addiction rehabilitation?

> When someone experiences an uncontrollable urge to drink alcohol.

> The inability or the feeling that he/she cannot function without alcohol.

This person may suffer from alcohol addiction disorder. And so, he/she needs an alcohol addiction treatment.

TEST Assess your Alcohol Use Disorder / Addiction 

The results of this self-test are only as guidance. The goal is understanding the use of alcohol, alcohol addiction and health problems.

A health professional must complete a full evaluation and diagnosis. This is the way to determine the most adequate counselling or inpatient treatment.

Learn more about the Alcoholism and Substance Use Disorder

We can observe the relationship between alcohol or drugs consumption and more than 200 diseases.

In the short term, excessive consumption involves the following risks:

> Ethyl poisoning, which can result in coma or even death.

> It favours risk behaviours. It is thus, related to traffic accidents, occupational accidents, and risky sexual practices.

In the long term, abusive consumption implies serious health problems and family and social conflicts.

How can you give a new direction in your life? Through adequate and specialized monitoring by a reference team. For instance, through a alcohol rehab abroad program like ours.

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