Addiction Recovery Testimonials

Fernando S.

“My addiction had a disastrous emotional and social impact on my life, literally losing everything: I almost lost my life, my self-esteem, my principles and values. I met Dianova where I was welcomed with open arms, and today, after a few months of treatment, I continue with self-esteem and motivation and will not rest until I win this battle. Thanks to the remarkable Dianova team and my mother’s support, which I regained again, I finally smiled again!”

addiction recovery testimonial - Pedro N

J.N. Inpatient at the Therapeutic Community Quinta das Lapas Dianova

“What I liked the most during the treatment was the human side of the whole Therapeutic Team and their dedication to the success in our treatment. They made me see that it was possible to believe in changing. Having participated in the Vegetable Garden project gave me the required motivation and made me believe me again. Thanks for everything. Now, my life project is to keep myself clean, to get a job and to be happy! ”

addiction recovery testimonial - Pedro N

J. R., Swedish Patient at the Therapeutic Community Quinta das Lapas Dianova

“My primary drugs were heroin and cocaine. I used for 12 years. I’ve been in and out of prison, institutions and hospitals. A miserable life. Failure is not an option! Each day without drugs is a victory. From my life I learned to never forget who you are or who you been. Don’t forget when you felt really bad, this experience is a relapse protection.”

addiction recovery testimonial - Pedro N

Family Testimony

“It is very difficult for me to write about these things. I want to look at the future and live in the present with hope. It is not only that I fear for my son’s life, our whole existence is captured by worries, sadness and frustration. We try to be wise, be hard, be sincere, try everything, but nothing works, except to still be there when the time for change happens. My hope for the future is that my son has learned about his vulnerability. To learn to recognize early signs in his life when he starts going the wrong way, and involve his family in seeking help and support before it’s too late.” Mother of Swedish inpatient in Treatment at Quinta das Lapas Dianova

addiction recovery testimonial - Pedro N

22 years old guy, from Stockholm Sweden

Choose to do treatment in another country. When I got the news that I had an opportunity to get away from Sweden to do treatment at Dianova in Portugal, I was getting really nervous and the feeling that went through me was fear. If I would have listened to the addict in me probably would have died if I stayed continued using drugs. So, I choose to face the unknown to save myself from a bad path. Now I’ve finally started to learn how to deal with my feelings. It’s going to be a long journey but with Dianova’s help, but mostly myself I’m going to be able to enter the unknown without fear and creating a new life without drugs. Dianova in Portugal have what I always been missing in Sweden. Here you get occupied with work and therapy group. I get to learn how to have a routine that I will keep/adapt on the outside in the “normal” society. I hope when I get back to Sweden I can continuing to be sober and find a job.” 22 november 2018, M.L.

addiction recovery testimonial - Pedro N

Pedro N.

My name is Pedro N., I am 40 years old and I am an ex-addict at Drug Addiction Treatment and Rehab Centre Quinta das Lapas – Dianova.

The goal is to achieve a full recovery.

This Rehab Centre has a good therapeutic team to help patients.

We have a diversity of activities during treatment. Including helping in the kitchen, in the laundry and in activities’ coordination.

I am very happy to be here!

addiction recovery testimonial - C L father

Family of C.L.

I am the father of C.L. and until he got into treatment at the Drug Addiction Treatment and Rehab Centre Quinta das Lapas I lived in constant worry. It came a moment when my wife and I no longer knew how to help him. He wouldn’t let us get to him.

Fortunately, the opportunity arose for C. to be admitted in Dianova and to take care of his problems with addiction.. Since he went to the Rehab Centre we started talking and improving our relationship. Today I see he was able to create habits and routines and accept that he must take responsibility for his behaviours and attitudes. Thanks to the therapeutic team, he managed to regroup and work on his difficulties and fragilities. Nowadays, we are able to be with our son without arguments or aggressiveness.

addiction recovery testimonial - Pedro L

Pedro. L.

Hi, I am a resident at the Drug Addiction Treatment and Rehab Centre Quinta das Lapas – Dianova and I’m 6 months in the programme.

I came here because of my heroin and cocaine addiction and because I wasn’t managing to find a good life path for myself. Dianova has been playing a crucial part in this life changing process and I recovered habits that have been lost these last years. Hygiene routines, living in society, respect for myself and others, family relationships that were much damaged, etc.

Without a doubt today I feel stronger and a much better person!

addiction recovery testimonial - Leo T

Leo T.

50 years old, alcohol and cannabis addicted: “I’ve tried others treatments in Sweden and in Belgium, but I only went to please my family or because of the pressure of social services. This time it was me that asked to my social worker to come to Dianova.

I choose Portugal because they informed me that here they speak English. I’m in Dianova Portugal for almost 14 months and it’s been very important the individual psychotherapy and the therapeutic groups. Now I feel more comfortable with myself and with others, I feel more able to deal with my difficulties and the difficulties that life can bring me in the future. I would like to say to persons with addiction problems to seek help and take it seriously – do your treatment with honesty and commitment, do your best!”

addiction recovery testimonial - C. G.

C. G.

I began to use drugs when I was thirteen. I only become aware of my addiction problem when I was sixteen. My family suffered a lot with my addiction, because I couldn’t stop; my friends only drink alcohol and they didn’t want to be with me because I was using drugs.
I came to Dianova in January 2018. My motivation to continue treatment is to be able to be a better person and have a normal life with normal friends. I advise others to seek help!

6 of June of 2018, Sweden

addiction recovery testimonial - C. G.

R. L.

“What motivated you to treatment? Inpatient: The reason that struck me most was that I lost almost everything. I lost my girlfriend and the trust she had in me. My daughter was upset for seeing me always drunk. I didn’t lose her house by a close call. All my savings will now be missed. “

R. L., Inpatient on alcohol treatment at Quinta das Lapas Therapeutic Community

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